



『一式二份』的英文要怎麼翻譯呢? 『簽完名後,請寄回給我們公司存查』這句話又該怎麼翻才會比較順呢??


『一式二份』 in duplicate e.g. Certificate of Origin in duplicate 產地證明書一式二份. Commercial Invoice in tripicate 商業發票一式三份 『簽完名後,請寄回給我們公司存查』 Please sign and return it to us for our file. Please send it, duly signed by you, back to us for our file. 2011-03-02 17:00:16 補充: Email內容舉例: We are sending you herewith our Purchase Order No. xxxx in duplicate, of which please sign and return one copy to us for our file. 茲附上訂購單No.xxx一式二份, 請簽署並擲回一份供本公司存查. The Inspection Certificate shall be submitted in duplicate for L/C negotiation. 驗貨證明應提交一式二份以供信用狀押匯.


『一式二份』: in duplicate, one original and one copy, two copies, 『簽完名後,請寄回給我們公司存查 』: please sign and return to us for our file. e.g. Enclosed is our Agency Contract in duplicate, a copy of which please sign and return to us for our file. 茲附上我方代理權合約,一式兩份,請署簽其中一份,並將它寄回我方存檔。|||||『一式二份』通常都是在簽定合同或協議或驗收時,需要在紙本上簽字後,雙方各執一份時. 一式兩份指的就是兩份紙本, 英文用 two hard copies 『簽完名後,請寄回給我們公司存查』 Please send one hard copy back to our company for filing after signature.|||||1.『一式二份』: duplicate 2.『簽完名後,請寄回給我們公司存查 』: After signing his name, please send it back to our reference purposes 第二題有個小問題: 本來我想像第1題一樣 可是發現會跑到旁邊去 所以英文在下面 2011-03-02 14:31:10 補充: 改好多顏色●﹏● 不小心點到廣告╮╯▽╰╭ 我真不小心︽⊙_⊙︽ 剛剛在玩兔子和企鵝●’3ε‘●746FFA66609DA332


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