對於SCL南加州丹寧時尚-海闊藍九分丹寧窄管牛仔褲,相信許多人都有很深刻的印象!最近因為我自己想要買SCL南加州丹寧時尚-海闊藍九分丹寧窄管牛仔褲 這商品
網友都推薦而且很熱賣,所以分享給您 也可以參考以下 SCL南加州丹寧時尚-海闊藍九分丹寧窄管牛仔褲介紹
♡ socal lover jeans is an independent denim label established in 2012. we started as a four members of design team in los angeles, california. we are a group of talented, experienced individuals who happen to do jeans together. we believe in the art of getting your hands dirty, shaking it up and seeing ideas through from creation to fruition. our goal is to give the vintage-inspired, fashion-forward look with perfected finish and fit in each pair of our jeans. we will constantly strive to offer a better collection, a better presentation and a better pair of jeans. we take pride in what we do and appreciate you give us the opportunity to share our vision with you. we hope it inspires you the way it inspires us.
scl jeans--> 來自於南加州的丹寧時尚 socal lover jeans,在這提供給所有熱愛丹寧風的大家各種關於牛仔褲的資訊以及歐美當季最新丹寧流行趨勢♫♫
提醒您: 深淺色請分開洗滌 / 請勿使用添加螢光增白之洗劑 / 清洗時請使用中性洗劑, 浸泡時間不宜過
長 /為避免變形, 建議反面手洗或放入洗衣袋中, 弱速清洗及脫水 / 牛仔商品第一次請單獨水洗 / 清洗
時請勿過分重力搓揉或高溫壓燙 / 請勿烘乾以免衣物縮水 /
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